
Gracetown Cowaramup Bay Community Inc is managed and organised by a group of volunteer committee members.

With fresh leadership in 2021 and new Treasurer and Secretary in 2022, the committees are driving to modernise the way the organisation works and foster a sense of broader inclusivity to promote a stronger voice for all stakeholders of Cowaramup Bay. 

The GCBC is regulated by its Constitution, which sets out the objects, eligibility for membership and governance structure of the association. The GCBC is managed by a General Committee and two sub committees – the Hall and Town Committee and the Environment Sub-Committee.

Sunset Gracetown

General Committee

The General Committee consists of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and at least 4 other members. The committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting, which is held in Gracetown at Easter each year. 

President: Richard Muirhead

Vice President: Laurie Keene

Treasurer: Neil Bennett 

Secretary: Jill Jamieson

Members: Hayley Bremner, Megan Garnett, Paul Manners, Alex Martin

Environment Sub Committee 

The aim of the Environment Sub-Committee is to help protect, restore and conserve  the natural environment of Cowaramup Bay and surrounds. For more information please visit the Environmental page.

Chair: Megan Garnett

Members: David Boykett 

Hall and Town Committee 

The primary role of the Hall and Town Committee is to manage the Gracetown Recreational Hall. The Hall and Town  Committee also liaises with the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River on issues within the townsite of Gracetown requiring the attention of the Shire.

Chair: Hayley Bremner 

Members: Lesley Bremner, Heather Kelly, June Bennett, Jude Englert, Judy Duzevich

If you would like to contact any committee members please email and reference who you would like to be connected to.

Gracetown memorial paddle out

The boring bits

Yes we have a Constitution. If you feel like reading it you can find it here

Get in touch

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