Our environment

The environment of Cowaramup Bay and surrounds is cherished by many and deserves protection, restoration and conservation efforts.

Lying on the Cape to Cape track; and giving access to many well used surf breaks and fishing spots it is heavily utilised by visitors and locals alike.

A biodiversity hotspot, the township of Gracetown is surrounded on four sides by National and Marine Parks. The diverse landscape includes bushland, Cowaramup Brook, limestone cliffs and slopes, wetlands, coastal heath and dunes, marine systems. 

Coastal management plan

A Coastal Management Plan was developed for Cowaramup Bay in 2019 by  the Shire of Augusta Margaret River and contains detailed information on priority areas in the Bay. 

Friends of Gracetown & Cowaramup Bay

The GCBC’s Environment sub-committee is aligned with Friends of Gracetown and Cowaramup Bay.

This is a group of volunteers dedicated to the conservation of this area.

We have many exciting partnerships with local organisations including Nature Conservation Margaret River Region, Shire of Augusta Margaret River, Line in the Sand Charity, Friends of the Cape to Cape track and other community groups which are critical to raise awareness, engage the community and conduct conservation activities. Some of these activities include beach clean ups, coastal flora rehabilitation, tree planting and weeding.

The objectives of Friends of Gracetown and Cowaramup Bay are:

  • To protect, restore and conserve the natural environment of Cowaramup Bay and surrounds
  • To engage, educate and promote public awareness of environmental issues relevant to Cowaramup Bay and surrounds 
  • To promote sustainability.

These three objectives dovetail into the Gracetown and Cowaramup Bay Community’s vision of “Protection of the environment”

New volunteers are always welcome and celebrated.

If you would like more information on how to join in or hear about future activities run by Friends of Gracetown Cowaramup Bay, please contact organisers Megan Garnett or David Boykett by emailing gcbc.contact@gmail.com, or use the contact us page and we will ensure your enquiry reaches them. 

Fauna and Weed Surveys

As part of GCBC’s commitment to protecting the environment, we have completed several environmental surveys in partnership with Astron Environmental Services and Nature Conservation Margaret River Region.

These projects were co-funded by GCBC, Line in the Sand Group and a fundraiser hosted by Cullen Wines. These will act as a baseline from which we develop environmental programs to aid in the protection and preservation of Cowaramup Bay, an aspect integral to the Vision of the GCBC.

Download Gracetown Fauna Survey >>

Download Gracetown Weed Action Plan >>

Get in touch

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Email: gcbc.contact@gmail.com

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